Rediscovering Romance: Tips for Dating Etiquette the Second Time Around
After experiencing a significant life event such as death or divorce, jumping back into the dating pool can be daunting. Before boldly...

Seven Gym Etiquette Rules to Follow
If you are like most of us and resolution season has sparked a fitness-focused goal, it is time to hit the gym! Before you go, make sure...

Hosting houseguests over the Holidays? Here's What You Need to Know
The holiday season is a time for family and friends to come together, so if you're expecting houseguests here are some tips for a smooth...

Gratitude: It's more than good manners
Etiquette, manners, and gratitude are intrinsically linked. Etiquette is the fuel that powers relationships and the catalyst for positive...

Etiquette Tips for Fantastic Fall Events
As the leaves begin to change color and the weather gets cooler, families all over America begin to prepare for the fall season. From...

The Polite Company's Top Ten Cell Phone Manners
Have you ever been in a situation where you're trying to have a conversation with someone and they're constantly looking at their phone?...

How to say "no" with grace
I recently received a question from a co-worker who has a "yes" problem. Can you bake 4 dozen cupcakes for a fundraiser tomorrow? Can I...

Gossip at work
When it comes to workplace gossip there are two truths. We’ve all done it and we’ve all been the target of it. Venting frustrations can...

Are you talkin' to me?
Did you know the biggest workplace gripe is co-workers who talk way too loudly on the phone? It's something we've all experienced, and...

It's nice to meet you!
To succeed in the workplace, it's crucial to be able to make introductions smoothly. Here are some simple tips to help you introduce...